Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Pega CLSA Guide Book 1 - Preparing for LSA Architecture Application Build

First of all, don’t underestimate the difficulty of this. I can assure you that you will not have enough time!

Therefore, you need to prepare as much as you can beforehand! Especially your laptop and VM, make sure that they are in proper condition!

Much of this book focused on preparing for the Application Build, which many candidates simply ignored the importance of getting yourself FULLY ready before the exam starts!

A lot of candidate simply spent too much time reviewing materials, learning how to implement certain features, and ended up overlooked the fact that you have far more to prepare than those technical details.

Get a Copy of CLSA 7.3_7.4 App Build Exam Preparation Guide

When you are at this stage, the first thing that you need to do is to get a copy of the CLSA 7.3_7.4 App Build Exam Preparation Guide v1.0.pdf.

The following is a screenshot of the document:
Figure 4: CLSA 7.3_7.4 App Build Exam Preparation Guide v1.0

In general, you could be given 3 to 6 questions for this exam. It would take approximately 30 hours to complete the exam.

In other words, you are expected to spend 10 hours per day. Therefore, you should not schedule any other tasks during this period. However, it is highly likely, or rather, a certainty, that you will need to spend more time than that for this exam.

No matter how many questions you are given, always use the estimated hours for each question to pace yourself. For example, if you have 6 questions, with estimated time as follows:
Q1: 7 hours;
Q2: 3 hours;
Q3: 6 hours;
Q4: 4 Hours;
Q5: 7 hours;
Q6: 3 hours

Then you should aim to completed Q1 and Q2 on Day 1; Q3 and Q4 on Day 2; Q5 and Q6 on Day 3.

In the CLSA 7.3_7.4 App Build Exam Preparation Guide, there is a link to a starting point application. You should download it first to familiar yourself with the application.

When you are ready to take the LSA Architecture Application Build, you need to register for the Application build by dropping an email to:

[Check the book availability here]

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