Thursday, April 11, 2019

Pega CLSA Guide Book 1 - Register As Early As You Can

{Reminder: Kindly be reminded that the online version contains only sample chapters, not all chapters would be posted and chapters could be posted in different order}

The moment you know that you are going to take the Application Build, just go ahead and register for a date first.

This is because the CLSA Team will acknowledge your registration and reply an email containing several instructions.

Read the Email Carefully for Any Last-Minute Updates

Firstly, they would advise you on the VM that they would be using for grading, which generally would be the VM in the Pega Self-Study course. If you do not have access to that VM, you can contact them to obtain one.

Open All Attachments and Review Them

Next, the email will contain attachments detailing the configuration of the VM, including the usernames and passwords, configuration files location, configuration of various supporting tools including Database client, Putty, FTP client, SMA, as well as common DB commands for starting and stopping the DB server.

On top of that, there are also instructions on how to resolve a corrupted search index.

Test and Configure Your VM As Soon As You Can

As you can see, there are a lot of preparation that you need to do and be familiar with before the exam starts. So, do that as soon as you can.

Given that there are a lot of tasks to complete before the Application Build, it would not be wise for you to register for the exam just a day before!

Many people I know took things too lightly and assumed everything were in order and started the exam without due preparation.

In the end, they had to spend a lot of unnecessary time on setting up the connectivity and fixing VM issues. Please don’t be one of them.

In the later sections, I will share with you the details of those configurations, some of which I used my own procedure rather than those in the provided document (for obvious reasons).

Know How to Reschedule

If there are any unforeseen circumstances, you can always reschedule your Application Build.

Remember, If you really need to reschedule, please give the CLSA Team at least 24-hours notice prior to the exam start date.

More details and updates are available in the acknowledgement email.

[Check the book availability here]

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